Mother 3 is the third part of the Saga EarthBound , an unforgettable JRPG with which Shigesato Itoi dismissed the saga into the final of life of Game Boy Advance ; But he never came to the West. Its launch only in Japan left the lovers of the series with doubt - this present - if one day there will be an official location of the game in the West. Shinichi Kameoka, original producer of the title, hunforgettable JRPG expressed his desire in an encounter with Neything . In the words of Kameoka, "he would love" Mother 3 could be launched translated into the United States and Europe. "unforgettable JRPG a lover of games, I will continue waiting for Mother 3 launch around the world (in English)," he says. The Mother Saga hunforgettable JRPG experienced many obstacles to officially reach the West. The first of them, Earthbound Begginnings, wunforgettable JRPG launched for the first time in these lands on the Wii U virtual console in 2015. For its part, EarthBound di...