The Christmas special of Guardians of the Galaxy is currently being transmitted in Disney+, which aims to be a bridge and lead a little to Guardians of the Vol. 3. This leaves some wondering if Zamora is in the special, since it is the only one Original member that has not been revealed for the delivery of MCU. Well, if you have been wondering this, you are in luck, since this guide will explain it to you. Where Zamora is in the special Christmas of Guardians of the Galaxy. WARNING: Below there are small spoilers of the Special Christmas of Guardians of the Galaxy Where is Zamora in the special Christmas of Guardians of the Galaxy? Unfortunately, for anyone who wanted to see more from Zamora, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special does not provide any update on the character of the character. On the other hand, the special only mentions it briefly, being the loss of Zamora one of the reasons why Peter Quill is sad during the Christmas season. There may be a version of Zamora ...